A Message from District Governor Bijoy Mahanti
Dear Genius Lions,
What a wonderful holiday season we had. Most of the clubs had a very busy time. My gratitude to you all for your commitment to service and serving your communities doing vision screening, fund raising, serving in food pantries, homeless shelters, various holiday activities in the communities, We appreciate all your hard work with the service impact in your communities.

We had a well-attended Membership Summit on January 18th. Several clubs shared their ingenuity in marketing their clubs and recruiting new Lions. The speaker IPDG Chris Wooters (22-C) enlightened us on how to use AI, ChatGPT to market our clubs and how to recruit new members. We appreciate PCC Wayne Cole and IPDG Kathy Crockett organizing the event and PDG Carol Schoonover, FVDG Beth Whitelock in conducting breakout sessions.
Our District Winner Perryville Lions Club’s Peace Poster was also the winner of the Multiple District 22 which has been submitted to the National consideration. The district’s status in meeting our goals will be shared in the coming Cabinet meeting. The service reporting continues to be a challenge due to the new Lions Portal and other factors. ​​

District social will be on March 1 in Greensboro, and two Leader Dog Rallies later in March.
You might be wondering what is this beautiful Nature Picture is?
Nature, in all its myriad forms, is the most powerful force on Earth. Although humankind has tried, we have not found a way to match its awesome power, but we have found ways to work with it.
Our fellow human beings have been devastated by the wildfire in California. Lions Club International Foundation has already given $100,000.00 Emergency Grant and more to be given. Let’s pray for the people in California.
If possible, would you rise and with your kindness and generosity donate to our Foundation LCIF whatever your heart’s desire. Here is the link:
If you prefer to pay by check, please let me know, I will pick it up and send it for speedy processing.
As the New Year 2025 unfolds in between rapid changes and challenges in the world around us, many feel an unmistakable calling—a pull to find more clarity, growth, compassion, and connection to something meaningful.
If you also feel this stirring within you, it may be the perfect moment to explore new pathways for healing and alignment. We need self-care.
I believe this is a moment in time to dedicate ourselves to who we can be.
That’s the only way to fortify ourselves, to create the nervous system that will allow us to both endure and transform these times in which we live.
With much gratitude for everything you do, and you are.

A Better Us Creates A Better World.
With much Gratitude and Love,
Bijoy Mahanti
2024-2025 22B District Governor

Lions are individuals who volunteer their time to humanitarian causes in their local and world communities. By conducting service projects and raising funds, Lions strive to help those in need, wherever the need exists. The Lion’s motto is "We Serve".

Lions aim to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, support those in need through humanitarian aid, and encourage peace and international understanding.
The Lions of Maryland feed the hungry, assist after disasters, clean up in neighborhoods, raise funds for the visually impaired, orphans, and other causes, and run a variety of youth programs, mentoring youth as they pursue positive activities and carry out service projects.