Please continue to report your monthly service activities and membership using the current portal. If anyone needs helps with reporting, please email GST Wayne Benjamin: drwdbmd@gmail.com.
Mission 1.5- Lions Clubs International has a membership initiative to have 1.5 members by 2027. To learn more www.lionsclubs.org/mission1.5
Check out www.lionsclubs.org. It has a wealth of information including service project ideas, resources for members and clubs, etc.
District Website- Information and Technology Chair Lion Jesse Drewer has created a brand new 22b website. www.22blions.org. Lion Jesse will add your club events, Send them to 22blions@gmail.com
Eyeglass Shed-The 22B Shed is located at the Easton Elks on Dutchman’s Lane and is now available for eyeglass drop offs. Contact the DG for the code if you want to take the glasses to the shed or bring them to the cabinet meeting.
Communication is critical in keeping members informed. Please forward emails from the district along with the newsletters to your members.
Send club information about fundraisers, events, and anything else your club would like to promote/share to Communication Chair Donna Shelton: donnashelton12@gmail.com
Recycling Projects: Matthew 25 Ministries (pill bottles) m25m.org
Nextrex.com- recycling plastic film and bags
* Save Pull Tabs- District Wide Project (www.rmhcmaryland.org/pull-tabs)
Important Dates:
Feb. 24th - District Social at the Easton Elks March 9th- Membership Summit
April 18th-21st MD22 Convention- Ashore Hotel- OC
Information Sheet: